The Review of Economy, the Law and Sociology
  The reviewed Federal scientific and practical and analytical magazine
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"The Review of Economy, the Law and Sociology" -

Ltd "Expert 16"

| Last number /October - November -December, 2024

Antipin I.A., Shishkina E.A., Bednyakov P.S.
Interregional inequality in the context of factors of formation and development of financial culture of the population

Babichev M.A., Karpov V.V.
Migration as a factor of stability of the regional economy on the example of the Omsk region

Geniberg T.V.
Dynamics, analysis and effectiveness of preferential programs
mortgage lending in the Russian Federation in 2020-2024

Demidova S.E., Kulachinskaya A.Y.
Assessment of the impact of the dynamics and volume of public debt
on economic growth in the EAEU countries

Zaitsev R.V.
Features of the mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of government
programs in the Russian Federation

Zaitsev R.V.
State strategic planning tools: current status and prospects for improvement

Zareznov D.A.
The Russian Economy 2025 – current geo-economic and geopolitical security threats

Iskhakov A.T.
Assessment of the economic efficiency of leasing operations agricultural organizations

Kashbraziev R.V., Beach M.G.
Methodological features of the analysis of economic indicators for international
economic relations

Martynova O.V., Shafigullina A.V.
Theory of generations in the study of consumer behavior in marketing

Musaev R.K.
Analysis of the depth of coverage of regions by information and communication technologies

Mustafina G.N.
Small business in the Russian economic security system

Nurgaliev R.K., Galimulina F.F., Barseghyan N.V., Yumankin I.A.
Specifics of the formation of a "green" business model of an organization
in the context of import substitution

Polyakova O.A., Demidova S.E.
Problems of goal setting and assessment of tax expenditures in the medium term

Rogova T.N.
Financial and economic security in the system of priorities of the state and the region

Safiullin M.R., Guryanov A.I.
Formation of value chains on electronic trading platforms

Sergeeva N.V., Polyansky A.A.
Digitalization of public administration in the social sphere (using the example of healthcare)

Tumasheva M.V., Chaturova D.I.
Economic cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the United States
America's role in global value chains as part of the trade standoff

Usmanova T.H.
Economic security in the context of globalization of TNCs: problems and ways to improve

Chernomorets A.B., Shmatko A.D.
Socio-economic effects and prospects for the development
of interregional cooperation in the field of tourism in Russia

Shlychkov V.V.
Implementation of the decisions of the XVI BRICS Summit (Kazan) as a mechanism for effectively countering external threats to Russia's economic security


Abdullazade N.R.
The concept of "Gineology" by Abdullah Ocalan as a theory of women's social revolution in Kurdistan

Abshilava G.V.
Compensation to victims of the harm caused by the crime (international legal and national aspects)

Bogdanov T.A.
Legal tools of anti-corruption policy of commercial organizations

Burganov R.S.
Being explicit as a sign of abuse of office

Vasilkova S.V.
On the regulation and practice of the construction of energy facilities by foreign companies in Armenia

Garayeva G.H.
The relationship between the child's right to express his opinion and the right to physical integrity

Gracheva O.A., Likhodaev E.G.
On the issue of the functions of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in modern conditions

Kuzyurova D.D.
Succession relations in the individual contractual regulation of private law relations

Miroshnichenko N.V., Maksimov V.Yu.
Systematization of economic crimes in accordance with the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation

Nabiullin B.Yu.
Regulation of artificial intelligence in the context of intellectual property protection

Rybushkin N.N., Dunin O.N.
Organized criminal activity: problems of legislative regulation

Sundurova O.F.
Qualification of illegal cultivation of plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances

Sundurova O.F.
The totality of crimes in the commission of illegal cultivation of plants
containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances

Tarasova O.E., Zakirova E.F., Latypova E.Y., Gilmanov E.M.
Illegal search and (or) seizure of archaeological objects from their sites:
historical aspects and current problems of criminal law regulation

Khaziev A.R.
Comparative legal analysis of the legal protection of municipal charters
by legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation

Cheparina O.A.
The legal category of compliance in the legal system


Avdeeva V.P., Tkach S.
Labor subjectivity of children in Sociology: problems of theoretical conceptualization

Alekseev S.A., Nikitina T.N.
Methodological foundations of the sociology of artificial intelligence

Bobrova D.N., Osipova D.V.
Implementation of the Concept of state family policy in Russia: preliminary results

Bogdanova I.N., Artamonova Ya.V .
Reproductive function in the context of the institutional dynamics
of the modern Russian family

Burganova L.A., Yurieva O.V.
Socio-demographic aspects of digitalization of higher education: a sociological analysis

Weisburg A.V.
Trends in the decline of the institution of family and family values
in modern Russian society in the views of young people
(using the example of the youth of the Konakovsky district of the Tver region)

Effectiveness of the benefits system for large families: a sociological analysis

Volkova E.V., Sharifulin D.T., Mukhametshin A.R.
Social personality typology: "a lonely person"

Gallyamov R.R., Uraev R.R.
"Sustainable rural development" in a multinational Russian region: the confessional aspect of the concept implementation

Kasimov R.N., Kudryavtseva I.K.
Ethnocultural educational practices as a mechanism for preserving
ethnic diversity in the Udmurt Republic

Kasimov R.N., Pozdeev I.L.
Prison subculture as a factor in the formation of extremist ideas in Russian society

Kashtanova O.V.
Modeling of social conflict

Kreik A.I.
Boundaries of a small group in sociological consideration (not a quantitative aspect of its composition)

Lebedintseva L.A., Deryugin P.P., Xu Lunhui, Liu Tianxi
The impact of the development of a market economy in China on economic sociology:
specification of conditions

Makusheva A.P.
Attracting young people to the civil service through the personnel reserve

Makusheva A.P.
Internship as a mechanism for forming the personnel reserve of the state civil service

Maltseva A.V., Gurieva S.D., Masharo T.S.
The textual data parsing method and its potential for thematic analysis as an intelligence analysis tool

Nizamova L.R.
Linguistic attitudes of residents of the Republic of Tatarstan: similarity and differentiation in terms of education level

Ravochkin N.N., Kravchenko S.N.
The role of rap music in shaping the life worlds, cultural and value preferences of students in the 2000s and 2010s (based on the materials of sociological research)

Sergeeva Z.H., Sergeev S.A.
The image of China in the minds of Russian students (based on the survey materials)

Tkach S.
The impact of working conditions on social loneliness

Tkachev A.A.
Key areas of modern American sociology: symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and ethnomethodology


Review articles

Apon M.E.
Blockchain technology and foreign experience of its practical application in public administration

Burlov D.I., Yakovlev A.R., Chernomorets A.B., Kamenskikh E.A.
Research of ways of development and transformation of spa and sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation: regional peculiarities

Gorbach L.A.
Socio-economic effects of digital transformation of economic systems

Guryleva M.E., Kardanova L.D.
Termination of pregnancy: ways to improve domestic legislation

Ivanov A.V.
Demographic changes as factors contributing to the growth of terrorist and violent crime

Makarov T.G., Sitnikova I.E., Shchurikova L.G.
Intellectual property objects in the field of medicine: theoretical and practical aspects

Moiseev V.V., Kolesnikova Y.S.
The history of anti-Russian sanctions and their impact on the economy

Smirnova O.M., Amirova R.R.
The State report as an element of the mechanism of formation of the legal policy of the state

Soboleva Yu.P. Meshchankin I.A.
Consumer loyalty management in the context of the digitalization of the economy

Tsikanova L.M., Kazova Z.M.
Inclusive employment as an imperative for the humanization of the modern economy


Practical experience in the implementation of scientific and theoretical developments

Zubova N.V., Malyutin V.V.
A model of an eco-friendly waste management system: the practice of building a system
as the basis for the ecological safety of the population
in the Sverdlovsk region

Komogortseva A.V., Romanova I.M.
Increasing the loyalty of Chinese students to a Russian university by managing their consumer experience

Rosenthal A.N., Idiatullin R.N., Nasretdinova D.Z.
Problematic issues of the application of antimonopoly legislation in the field of activities of regional MSW operators on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan

Fagimovna E.A.
Improving the MSW management system

Khabibullina L.V.
Pricing in the field of municipal solid waste management in the context of the reform process


The conference

Shchelkunov M.D.
University Humanities – anniversary of the alma mater

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Information on the magazine

The publishing house Ltd "Expert 16" (Kazan)

The reviewed federal scientific and practical and analytical "The Review of Economy, the Law and Sociology" appears quarterly since March, 2007. The magazine is registered in the International register of serial editions (ISSN 1998-5533), in Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (The certificate on registration of mass media of PI No. FS 77-65564 of May 4, 2015), in Scientific electronic library and in system of RINTs; it is included in the catalog of JSC Rospechat Agency, a subscription index – 64392.

No. 13-6518 the " Review of Economy, the Law and Sociology" was included by the decision of Presidium of the Highest certifying commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2015 in the List of the conducting reviewed scientific magazines and editions in which the main scientific results of the thesis on competition of an academic degree of the doctor and candidate of science have to be published.

Scientific specialties and their corresponding branches of science, for which the publication is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications

Included since 01.02.2022
5.2. Economy
5.2.1. Economic Theory (economic sciences)
5.2.4. Finance (Economic Sciences)
5.2.5. World Economy (Economic Sciences)

5.4. Sociology
5.4.1. Theory, methodology and history of Sociology (sociological sciences)
5.4.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes (sociological sciences)
5.4.5. Political Sociology (political sciences)
5.4.6. Sociology of Culture (Sociological sciences)
5.4.7. Sociology of Management (sociological sciences)

Included until 16.10.2022
08.00.00 Economic Sciences
08.00.05 – Economics and management of the national economy (by branches and spheres of activity) (economic sciences)

12.00.00 Legal sciences
12.00.01 – Theory and History of Law and the State; history of the teachings of law and the State (legal sciences),
12.00.02 – Constitutional Law; constitutional litigation; municipal Law (legal sciences),
12.00.03 – Civil Law; business law; family law; private international law (legal sciences),
12.00.08 – Criminal Law and Criminology; criminal executive law (legal sciences),
12.00.10 – International law; European law (legal sciences),
12.00.11 – Judicial activity, prosecutorial activity, human rights and law enforcement activity (legal sciences)

22.00.00 Sociological sciences
22.00.03 – Economic Sociology and Demography (sociological sciences)

| Editorial council

Abdullin A.I.
Bataykin P.A.
Budovich Yu.I.
Burganova L.A.
Gataullin A.G.
Ershov A.N.
Zheleznov B.L.
Zakharov V.P.
Ivanov G.G.
Kadyshev E.N.
Kiyamov I.G.
Komlev Yu.Yu.
Kurdyukov G.I.
Lebedev K.N.
Malgin V.A.
Makhiyanova A.V.
Meymanov B.K.
Muratova N.G.
Myagkov G.P.
Orlov S.L.
Postalyuk M.P.
Sidorov B.V.
Stepanenko R.F.
Talan M.V.
Fakhrutdinova E.V.
Khairullina Yu.R.
Khasanova A.Sh.
Khomenko V.V.
Tsiunchuk R.A.
Shaikhitdinova S.K.
Shaikhutdinova G.R.
Shchelkunov M.D.

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The Review of Economy, the Law and Sociology © 2007